May I be so bold as to suggest that….
- Ergonomic chair design seems to have come to the end of the road without huge success in avoiding LBP.
- A new ‘fix’ is in order and can be effected by the 2T concept. A ‘paradigm change’?
- This can only be achieved by an understanding of the biomechanics. It is hoped that this work may provide you with this, a resource describing the requirements for safe design.
- By incorporating the points made in this work, comfort and ergonomics of both the simplest and most advanced ‘ergonomic’ chairs should be improved .
- You must not be misled by ‘comfort’, that treacherous guide which only turns up truthfully when the bio-mechanics (ergonomics) are fully correct. See ☛ Comfort→
- Remediating the ergonomics is more important. Comfort is improved the nearer a full remediation is approached. Full remediation = maximum comfort.
- The correct search should be for the Hippocratic “Do no harm”.
- Bio-mechanic adverse designs can be avoided. Why? Mandal’s Homo sedens→
- There is now no excuse for poorly designed chairs and the conventional mis-advice that is perpetuated. ☛ Various chairs→
- Some selling points to manufacturers and architects are added if required.
- The comment of Kenichi Ohmae (below) is apposite.